Bile Duct Cancer Treatment in India Success Rate

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Bile Duct Cancer Treatment in India Success Rate


Bile Duct Cancer Treatment in India Success Rate

We have a full-fledged Bile Duct Cancer Treatment in India Success Rate is 85-95% Oncology care Unit and have excellent facilities to take care of your medical issues provide a multi-disciplinary, highly skilled state of-the-art service to patients under one roof, supported by cutting-edge medical technology and infrastructure.

“Your case will be reviewed by Oncology care team of JCI accredited hospital” 

Treatment : Bile Duct Cancer Treatment
Success Rate : 85-95%
Basic Package : USD (Approx)
Total Stay in Hospital : days
Total Stay in India : days

Bile Duct cancer is treated in several ways. It depends on the kind of bile duct cancer and how far it has spread. Treatments include surgery, chemotherapy, targeted and radiation therapy & supportive care or a combination of these. 

. Surgery: Doctors remove cancer tissue in an operation

. Chemotherapy: Using special medicines to shrink or kill the cancer. The drugs can be pills you take or medicines given in your veins, or sometimes both.

. Radiation: Using high-energy rays (similar to X-rays) to kill the cancer.

Bile Duct Cancer Surgery :

a) Partial Hepatectomy

This procedure is often used to treat large bile duct tumors inside the liver (intrahepatic tumors). It involves removing a piece of normal liver tissue, an entire lobe, or a larger part of the liver surrounding the cancer. 

Treatment :  Partial Hepatectomy
Success Rate : 90-98%
Basic Package : 8500 USD-10000 USD  (APPROX).
Total Stay in Hospital : 7-9 days.
Total Stay in India : 18-20 days

Partial hepatectomy is surgery to remove part of the liver. Only people with good liver function who are healthy enough for surgery and who have a single tumor that has not grown into blood vessels can have this operation.

b) Whipple Procedure (Pancreatoduodenectomy)

The Whipple procedure is commonly used to treat extrahepatic bile duct tumors that are near the pancreas. It is also known as a pancreatoduodenectomy. The Whipple procedure involves removing part of the bile duct, part of the stomach, part of the small intestine, and the head (the rightmost section) of the pancreas. 

Treatment : Whipple procedure, or Pancreaticoduodenectomy

Success Rate : 98-99%

Basic Package : 8,200 USD - 9,500 USD (APPROX) 

Total Stay in Hospital : 8-9 days 

Total Stay in India : 18-20 days


Treatment :  Chemotherapy
Success Rate : 80-85%
Basic Package : 600 USD-2000 USD  (per cycle)
Total Stay in Hospital : 1-2 days.
Total Stay in India : 60 days

Chemotherapy is a drug treatment that uses powerful chemicals to kill fast-growing cells in your body.

Targeted Therapy

Treatment : Targeted Therapy
Success Rate : 80-90%
Basic Package : 10000 USD-12000 USD  (per cycle)
Total Stay in Hospital : 3-4 days.
Total Stay in India : 30-60 days

Targeted therapy is a cancer treatment that uses drugs to target specific genes and proteins that are involved in the growth and survival of cancer cells. Targeted therapy can affect the tissue environment that helps a cancer grow and survive or it can target cells related to cancer growth, like blood vessel cells.

Radiation Therapy

a) Treatment : Image-Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT) 
Success Rate : 97-99%
Basic Package : 6000 USD  (APPROX).
Total Stay in Hospital : 0 days.
Total Stay in India : 20-25 days

Image-Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT) refers to the use of imaging, usually CT scans and X-rays, to help precisely target the cancer with radiation therapy. This is another important advance in the radiation therapy technology that improves the chance of killing a cancer whilst reducing the risk of damaging normal body tissues and structures. 

b) Treatment : Intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT)
Success Rate : 97-99%
Basic Package : 4500 USD  (APPROX).
Total Stay in Hospital : 0 days.
Total Stay in India : 20-25 days

Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) is the most advanced form of 3-D conformal radiation therapy, a technique that adjusts the radiation beam to the contours of a tumor, allowing for higher, more effective doses of radiation to be delivered while minimizing exposure to surrounding healthy tissue.

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