Cost of brain surgery for epilepsy in India

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Cost of brain surgery for epilepsy in India


Cost of brain surgery for epilepsy in India

A keen and dedicated Cost of brain surgery for epilepsy in India team of Neurosurgeons, Neurologists, Neurointerventional surgeons, along with skilled paramedics led to the inception of our Neurosciences centre. The world class facilities, with cutting edge equipment in the Neuroscience centre sets it apart from the others in the industry.

The distinguished faculty of our Neurosciences centre expand their vast experience in diagnosing and treating disorders of the nervous system affecting the whole body, the spine, brain, hands, legs, arms and face. The Neurosurgery department offers some of the most sophisticated surgical treatments along with a variety of non-surgical approaches to restore international patients health and relieve their pain.


Brain surgery for epilepsy

Epilepsy surgery is a procedure to a) remove the seizure-producing area of the brain or b) limit the spread of seizure activity. Epilepsy surgery results can be considered curative (stopping the seizures) or palliative (restricting the spread of the seizure). The type of surgery performed depends on the type of seizures and where they begin in the brain.


Who is Eligible For Epilepsy Surgery

Epilepsy surgery may be an option if you have:

. Seizures that are uncontrolled with medications (intractable) or you have severe side effects to the medications

. Focal (partial) seizures that always start in one area of the brain (localized seizure focus)

. Seizures that significantly affect your quality of life

. Seizures caused by a lesion such as scar tissue, a brain tumor, arteriovenous malformation (AVM), or birth defect

. Seizure discharge that spreads to the whole brain (secondary generalization)


Cost of brain surgery for epilepsy

Treatment : Epilepsy Surgery
Success Rate : 90-98%
Basic Package : 7500 USD (Approx)
Total Stay in Hospital : 5-7 days.
Total Stay in India : 18-20 days

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